当一位历史老师和一位语言老师决定合作时, They Inspired Students—and Each Other



“中国的行为似乎是全球主义的,”附近的另一个人说. “Their priority is power.” 
A few clues—a Taylor Swift sticker on someone’s laptop, a half-eaten box of chocolate snacks, 桌上的棉花糖泄露了一个事实:这不是联合国大会代表之间的对话. 他们是来自两个不同高中班级的三年级和四年级学生, Advanced Topics in Chinese: Chinese Seminar and 国际关系:全球政治与当代问题, talking about international law and human rights. Meeting six times during the semester, their agenda also included the international powers of China, Russia, and India, 以及中国的环境进步和联合国可持续发展目标. 

此次合作是国语老师李克尔与历史老师兼新生教务长史睿思的首次合作HA have joined forces. 他们班级之间的合作不仅是为了让学生接触全球话题, 还要培养他们积极的倾听和专业的教学技巧, such as presenting, critical thinking, research, 并从多个角度评估多种语言的资源. At the end of each presentation, 学生们用标准来评估自己和同龄人的表现.

“你永远不会知道你知道什么,直到你试图教给别人,”博士解释说. Story. “And they have exceeded any expectations I had.”

Presentations may be over, but the class isn't. It's reflection time! History Teacher Dr. 克里斯蒂故事帮助学生评估自己和她的同学, both as expert teachers and active listeners.

Ms. 科克还注意到,她的中文学生变得更加流利和自信. Typically, 直到下个学期,他们才准备好用普通话进行抽象的对话. “但由于这次合作,今年我看到了它的发生,”她说. Kerk. 她自豪地补充说,即使是比较安静的学生也在大声说话. Her students also learned Chinese faster this semester, 这使她有更多的时间致力于中国文学和其他主题.

At the end of last academic year, Ms. Kerk and Dr. Story were looking into professional development opportunities. 那时他们都意识到他们有很多东西要互相学习,他们的课程也有一些相似之处. 因此,在Castilleja暑期教学补助金的帮助下,两人决定合作. 结果,他们不仅为课堂注入了新的活力,也为自己的工作注入了新的活力.  

“I thought [Dr. Story] would be a great mentor to work with,” said Ms. Kerk博士拥有教育学硕士学位,从事教学工作已有28年. 他说:“我真希望我上高中的时候,她能做我的历史老师. Believe it or not,” added Ms. 科克,她的声音变成了耳语,“历史是我最不喜欢的科目. But now I love it! And I grew so much. I see history now—it’s like wow, boom!” Ms. Kerk made an explosive gesture with her hands. 

“对我来说,这是令人兴奋的,因为我相信体验式合作,”博士说. Story, 他拥有欧洲现代史博士学位,在正规网赌软件大全任教超过21年. “[Ms. Kerk] came in with all these pedagogical tools. She knew the design for lesson planning. She had lots of insightful ideas. 它激发了热门网赌软件大全自己的学习过程,并为热门网赌软件大全的实践注入了活力. Story said. 

“This is what it does!” added Ms. Kerk, nodding.

The two did an enthusiastic fist bump across the table.  

Dr. Story still remembers how Ms. 夏天见面时,克尔克给她带了一个蒸红薯. “It was so nourishing and so wonderful. You just feel so taken care of.” 

他们的联合班在12月中旬举行了最后一轮报告. Students, bundled in sweaters and hoodies in the morning hours, 讨论了中国的环境政策及其对哈萨克斯坦和其他地区的影响. 

“The U.S. 是不是一个对排放有影响却做得不好的好例子,” said one student to her small group. “Climate change is going to affect all countries.”

“During COVID, the U.S. borrowed another trillion dollars, just pulled it out of a hat,” said a student at a table nearby, shaking her head disapprovingly.

“尽管热门网赌软件大全读到的这篇文章是在衡量对中国的影响,”  noted another, “there are actually impacts in other countries.”

“That’s what I was worried about,” her classmate added.

The class wrapped up with Ms. 科克带领学生们一起欢呼,用手拍着拍子. She then invited everyone to enjoy freshly made potstickers, buns, and sesame balls with red bean paste.

“当你负责学习的时候,你的学习效果最好。. Story, beaming and congratulating the students. “I gave you themes, 但你们做到了,因为你们是了不起的卡斯蒂学生,” she added, 当学生们大嚼特嚼他们的美食,准备进入日历年的最后一个完整的星期. 

在课程的最后一天,学生们正在享受正宗的中国美食,这是他们跨学科学习体验的一部分。 potstickers, buns, and sesame balls with red bean paste.